Absolute quantification in real-time RT-PCR
Calibration curves are
highly reproducible and allow the generation of highly specific,
sensitive and reproducible data. However, the external calibration
curve model has to be thoroughly validated as the accuracy of absolute
quantification in real-time
RT-PCR depends entirely on the accuracy of the standards. Standard
production, determination of the exact standard concentration and
over long storage time is not straightforward and can be problematic.
dynamic range of the performed calibration curve can be up to nine
orders of magnitude from <101 to >1010
start molecules, depending on the applied standard material. The
calibration curves used in absolute quantification can be based on
known concentrations of DNA standard molecules, e.g. recombinant
plasmid DNA (recDNA), genomic DNA, RT-PCR product, commercially
synthesized big oligonucleotide. Stability and reproducibility in
kinetic RT-PCR depends on the type of standard used and depends
strongly on ‘good laboratory practice’. Cloned recDNA and genomic DNA
are very stable and generate highly reproducible standard curves even
after a long storage time, in comparison to freshly synthesized RNA.
Furthermore, the longer templates derived from recDNA and genomic DNA
mimic the average native mRNA length
of about 2 kb better than shorter templates derived from RT-PCR product
oligonucleotides. They are more resistant against unspecific cleavage
proofreading activity of polymerase during reaction setup and in
kinetic PCR
(own unpublished results). One advantage of the shorter templates and
available templates is an accurate knowledge of its concentration and
A second advantage is that their use avoids the very time consuming
of having to produce standard material: standard synthesis,
purification, cloning, transformation, plasmid preparation,
linearization, verification and exact determination of standard
A problem with DNA based
calibration curves is that they are subject to the PCR step only,
unlike the unknown mRNA samples that must first be reverse transcribed.
This increases the potential for variability of the RT-PCR results and
the amplification results may not be strictly comparable with the
results from the unknown samples. However, the problem of the
sensitivity of the RT-PCR to small variations in the reaction setup is
always lurking in the background as a potential drawback to this simple
procedure. Therefore, quantification with external standards requires
careful optimization of its precision (replicates in the same
kinetic PCR run – intra-assay variation) and reproducibility
in separate kinetic PCR runs – inter-assay variation) in order to
the limitations within the given application.
A recombinant RNA (recRNA)
standard that was synthesized in vitro from a cloned RT-PCR fragment in
plasmid DNA is one option. However, identical RT efficiency, as well as
real-time PCR amplification efficiencies for calibration curve and
target cDNA must be tested and confirmed if the recDNA is to provide a
valid standard for mRNA quantification. This is because only the
specific recRNA molecules are present during RT and the kinetics of
cDNA synthesis are not like those in native RNA (the unknown sample)
that also contain a
high percentage of natural occurring sub-fractions, e.g. ribosomal RNA
~80%) and transfer RNA (tRNA, 10-15%). These missing RNA sub-fractions
influence the cDNA synthesis rate and in consequence RT efficiency
rises and calibration curves are then overestimated in gene
quantification. To compensate for background effects and mimic a
natural RNA distribution like in native total RNA, total RNA isolated
from bacterial or insect cell lines, can be used. Alternatively
commercially available RNA sources can be used as RNA background, e.g.
poly-A RNA or tRNA, but they do not represent a native
RNA distribution over all RNA sub-species. Earlier results suggest,
a minimum of RNA background is generally needed and that it enhances RT
synthesis efficiency rate. Low concentrations of recRNA used in
calibration curves should always be buffered with background or carrier
RNA, otherwise the low amounts can be degraded easily by RNAses. Very
high background concentrations had a more significant suppression
effect in RT synthesis rate and in later real-time PCR efficiency.
No matter how accurately
the concentration of the standard material is known, the final result
is always reported relatively compared to a defined unit of interest:
e.g. copies per defined ng of total RNA, copies per genome (6.4 pg
DNA), copies
per cell, copies per gram of tissue, copies per ml blood, etc. If
changes in copy number are important then the denominator still must be
to be absolute stable across the comparison. This accuracy may only be
in screening experiments (amount of microorganism in food), to measure
percentage of GMO (genetic modified organism) in food, to measure the
load or bacterial load in immunology and microbiology. The quality of
gene quantification data cannot be better than the quality of your
Any variation in your denominator will obscure real changes, produce
changes and wrong quantification results. Careful use of controls is
to demonstrate that your choice of denominator was a wise one. Under
certain circumstances, absolute quantification models can also be
normalized using suitable and unregulated references or housekeeping
genes (see Normalization).
New papers using absolute quantification:
Interesting papers using
absolute quantification:
- Mathematics of quantitative
kinetic PCR and the application of standard curves
- Instant evaluation of
the absolute initial number of cDNA copies from a single real-time PCR
- A method for the rapid
of cRNA standard curves in quantitative real-time RT-PCR
- Validities of mRNA
using rec. RNA and rec. DNA external calibration curves in real-time RT-PCR
- High-Resolution
Real-Time PCR without the Use of a Standard Curve
- Validities of mRNA
using recombinant RNA and recombinant DNA external calibration curves in real-time
- Tissue-specific
expression pattern of bovine prion gene (PrP): quantification using real-time
- Tissue
specific expression pattern of estrogen receptors (ER): Quantification of ER-alpha
and ER-beta mRNA with real-time RT-PCR
- Real-time
RT-PCR quantification of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, IGF-1 receptor, IGF-2, IGF-2
receptor, insulin receptor, growth hormone receptor, IGF-binding proteins 1, 2 and 3 in the
bovine species
- Effects
of synthetic progestagens on the mRNA Expression of Androgen Receptor, Progesterone
Receptor, Estrogen
Receptor ERa and ERb, Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-1 and IGF-1 receptor in
Heifer tissues
Validities of mRNA
quantification using recombinant RNA and
DNA external calibration curves in
real-time RT-PCR
M. W. Pfaffl
M. Hageleit
Biotechnology Letters (2001) 23, 275-282
Reverse transcription (RT) followed by polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) is the technique of choice for analysing mRNA in
extremely low abundance. Real-time RT-PCR using SYBR Green I detection
combines the ease and necessary exactness to be able to produce
reliable as well as rapid results. To obtain high
accuracy and reliability in RT and real-time PCR a highly defined
curve is needed. We have developed, optimised and validated an
growth factor-1 (IGF-1) RT-PCR in the LightCycler, based on either a
recombinant IGF-1 RNA (recRNA) or a recombinant IGF-1 DNA (recDNA)
calibration curve. Above that, the limits, accuracy and variation of
these externally standardised quantification systems were determined
and compared with a native RT-PCR from liver total RNA. For the
evaluation and optimisation of cDNA synthesis rate of recRNA several
RNA backgrounds
were tested. We conclude that external calibration curve using recDNA
is a better model for the quantification of mRNA than the recRNA
calibration model. This model showed higher sensitivity, exhibit a
larger quantification range, had a higher reproducibility, and is more
stable than the recRNA calibration curve.
Because of its high sensitivity, RT-PCR is increasingly used
to quantify physiologically changes in gene expression. The RT-PCR quantification
technique of choice depends on the target sequence, the expected range of the
mRNA amount present in the tissue, the degree of accuracy required, and whether
quantification needs tobe relative or absolute (Freeman
et al. 1999). The externally standardised RT-PCR with quantification on
ethidium bromide stained gels followed by densitometry is widely used, but the degree
of accuracy is limited and the quantification is more relative than absolute. For a
fully quantitative measurement of low abundant gene expression only a few PCR
methods are reliable. At present internally standardised, competitive
(Becker-Andreé et al. 1989; Gilliland et al. 1990;
Siebert &
1992), externally standardised, real-time RT-PCR using SYBR Green I technology (Morrison et
al. 1998; Wittwer & Garling 1991), or externally standardised real-time RT-PCR
using specific fluorescence dye labelled hybridisationrobe(s) (Leutenegger et al.
Loeffler et al. 2000; Winer et al. 1999), are suitable for sensitive
quantification. Probe-based detection formats are based on fluorescence resonance energy
transfer (FRET) (Wittwer et al. 1997) in the LightCycler system (Roche
Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland) or on reporter fluorescence primarily by
Förster type energy transfer (Förster 1948; Lakowicz 1983)
in the TaqMan
system (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). Only real-time RT-PCR with SYBR Green I
technology combines the ease and necessary exactness to be able to produce
reliable as well as rapid results. Because of its external calibration curve
this method has to be highly validated and the identical LightCycler PCR
amplification efficiencies for calibration curve and target mRNA must be
In general two types of external calibration
curves are possible. Type one based on
a recombinant RNA (recRNA) standard target and the type two on a recombinant DNA (recDNA) target. Alternatively,
only a purified RT-PCR product
can be used as calibration material, but the long term stability and the reproducibility of
the calibration is not very satisfactory (data not shown). In case of using the calibration recRNA
model both, standard recRNA and
unknown sample RNA, underwent parallel RT and real-time PCR conditions. If recDNA is used as
calibration model, the standard samples only underwent the real-time PCR conditions and
the amplification results may differ
from the RT-PCR results in the unknown samples.
In this paper these two models are investigated in the
LightCycler real-time PCR system, using a multi-species RT-PCR for
IGF-1. IGF-1 is considered to mediate the anabolic growth hormone actions in various
tissues and species. During postnatal growth, IGF-1 stimulates protein synthesis
and improves glucose utilisation (Simmen 1991). Above that, locally expressed IGF-1 is an
important growth regulator acting in an auto- and paracrine manner (Thissen et
al. 1994). The aim of this study was the comparison of
two types of
calibration models, leading back on the identical gene target, as well
as the
optimisation and validation of these models using SYBR Green I
fluorescence technology.
Results were compared with a native RT-PCR from liver total RNA. Derived limits and accuracy of
this methodology are described and optimisation strategies for LightCycler PCR
are discussed to achieve accurate, reproducible and reliable results in the unknown
samples RNA.
Characterisation of real-time IGF-1 LightCycler PCR using either recRNA
or ss recDNA external calibration curve in comparison with the native
liver total RNA. Intra- and inter-assay variation of calibration curve
models are mean values (n =4).
n = 4 |
IGF-1 rek RNA
curve |
IGF-1 rek DNA
curve |
template |
IGF-1 recRNA |
IGF-1 recDNA |
IGF-1 mRNA |
efficiency |
1.77 |
1.93 |
1.89 |
limit |
16 m |
6 m |
80 pg liver total RNA |
limit |
1600 m |
60 m |
500 pg liver total RNA |
linearity) |
1600 - 1.6 x 1010 m
(r = 0.992) |
60 – 6 x 1010 m
(r = 0.996) |
500 pg - 50 ng total RNA
(r = 0.933) |
variation |
2.7% (n = 4) |
0.7% (n = 4) |
1.2% (n = 4) |
variation |
4.5% (n = 4) |
2.6% (n = 4) |
4.9% (n = 4) |
Figure: Logarithmic
fluorescence plot versus cycle number is shown, resulting from the
determination of intra-assay variation in recDNA calibration curve
model. Four replicates of different concentrations of recDNA start
molecules were plotted [6 x 106 to 60 start
molecules]. Analysis line was set to a fluorescence level of 2
where measurement of crossing points (CP) was done. Corresponding CP
mean data are summarized in table above in column of intra-assay
of recDNA.
sensitivity, linearity and reproducibility of the developed real-time
PCR assays allows for the absolute and accurate quantification of IGF-1 mRNA
even in tissues with low abundancies down to a few molecules. Using a recDNA
calibration curve model only the existing cDNA molecules derived out of RT
can be quantified precisely. It is not possible to draw a conclusion on the existing mRNA
molecules present in the native total RNA sample. Always the cDNA synthesis
efficiency must be recognised. Using a recRNA calibration
curve model
the advantage is that both RNA templates underwent parallel a RT and
real-time PCR. But in this approach the following real-time PCR efficiency is
suppressed and yields in a sub-optimal real-time quantification. In our opinion
the external calibration curve using recDNA is a better model for the quantification of
mRNA than the recRNA calibration model – consideration of RT efficiency
is needed. The model showed higher sensitivity, exhibit a larger quantification
range, had a higher reproducibility, and is more stable than the recRNA. We have
used this recDNA system to compare the IGF-1 expression rates in bovine (Bos
taurus) [EMBL Ac. no. X15726] (Pfaffl et al. 1998b) and
porcine tissues (Sus scrofa) [EMBL Ac. no. X17492] (Pfaffl et al. 1998a). It can
also be used in other species like sheep (Ovis aries) [EMBL Ac. no. M30653] and
primates (Callithrix jacchus) [EMBL Ac. no. Z49055] (Pfaffl 2000) with sufficiently
high homologies of the amplified IGF-1 fragment.
High-Resolution Semi-Quantitative
Real-Time PCR without the Use of a Standard Curve.
Gentle et al. 2001
BioTechniques 31:502-508 (September 2001)
The repeatability and sensitivity
of a simple, adaptable, semi-quantitative, realtime RT-PCR assay was
investigated. The assay can be easily and rapidly applied to quantitate
relative levels of any gene product without using standards, provided
that amplification conditions are specific for the PCR product of
Using the Light-Cycler‘ real-time PCR machine, a serial 10-fold
dilution series (spanning four orders of magnitude) of a 379-bp cDNA
template was amplified, and the PCR product was detected using
SYBR® Green I chemistry. The experiment was repeated on a
subsequent day. The experimental design was such that the data lent
itself to analysis using an appropriate method for testing
repeatability. It was found that, within a single assay, for samples
assayed in triplicate, a difference of 23% may be reliably detected.
Furthermore, when all of the factors that contribute to variability in
the assay are taken into account, such as day-to-day variation in
pipetting and amplification efficiency, a 52% difference in target
template can be detected using a sample size of 4. The assay was found
to be linear over at least four orders of magnitude.
expression pattern of bovine prion gene:
using real-time RT-PCR
Ales Tichopad,
Michael W. Pfaffl, Andrea Didier (2003)
Mol Cell
Probes 17: 5-10
In recent studies PrP mRNA was determined mostly by in situ
hybridisation or Northern Blot
analysis—methods not suitable for absolute quantification of mRNA copy
numbers. Herein we report on bovine prion mRNA quantification using
highly sensitive externally standardized real-time RT-PCR with
instrument. Total RNA was isolated from nine different regions of the
CNS and seven peripheral organs. PrPc mRNA copy numbers could be
in all tissues under study. In approval with prior studies high mRNA
was found in Neocortex and Cerebellum. Lymphatic organs showed at least
as high expression levels of prion mRNA as overall brain. Lowest
was detected in kidney. Results of our study provide insight into the
of different organs in pathogenesis with respect to prion mRNA
LightCycler technology is currently considered the most precise method
for nucleic acid quantification and showed to be powerful tool for
studies on prion diseases pathogenesis.
Mean PrPc mRNA copy numbers in various bovine tissue on mg tissue
Error lines indicate SD.
Mathematics of quantitative
kinetic PCR
and the application of standard curves
R. G. Rutledge*
and C. Cote
Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre,
1055 du P.E.P.S., PO Box
Sainte-Foy, Quebec G1V 4C7, Canada
Nucleic Acids
Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No. 16 e93
Fluorescent monitoring of DNA
ampliÆcation is the basis of real-time PCR, from which
target DNA concentration can be
determined from the fractional cycle at which a threshold amount
of amplicon DNA is produced. Absolute
quantification can be achieved using a standard curve
constructed by amplifying known amounts of target
DNA. In this study, the mathematics of
quantitative PCR are examined in detail, from which
several fundamental aspects of the threshold method
and the
application of standard curves are
illustrated. The construction of Æve replicate standard
curves for two pairs of nested
primers was used to examine the reproducibility and degree of quantitative
variation using SYBER‚ Green I fuorescence.
Based upon this analysis the application of a
single, wellconstructed standard curve could provide an
precision of 66±21%, depending on the number
of cycles required to reach threshold. A simpliÆed method for
absolute quantiÆcation
is also proposed,
in which quantitative scale is determined by DNA mass at threshold.
Instant evaluation of the absolute initial
number of cDNA copies from a single real-time PCR curve
Stephane Swillens*, Jean-Christophe Goffard, Yoann Marechal,
Alban de Kerchove d'Exaerde1 and Hakim El Housni2
Nucleic Acids Research, 2004, Vol. 32, No. 6 e53

Amplification of a cDNA
product by quantitative PCR (qPCR) is monitored by a fluorescent signalproportional to
the amount of produced amplicon. The qPCR amplification curve usually
displays anexponential
phase followed by a non-exponential phase, ending with a plateau.
Contrary to prevalentinterpretation,
we demonstrate that under standard qPCR conditions, the plateau can be
explained bydepletion
the probe through Taq polymerasecatalysed hydrolysis. Knowing the probe
fluorescence measured at the plateau, a specific fluorescence can thus
be calculated. As faras probe
hydrolysis quantitatively reflects amplicon synthesis, this, in turn,
makes it possible to convertmeasured
fluorescence levels in the exponential phase into concentrations of
produced amplicon. Itfollows that
the absolute target cDNA concentration initially engaged in the qPCR
can be directly estimatedfrom the
fluorescence data, with no need to refer to any calibration with known
concentrations of target DNA.
A method for the rapid
construction of cRNA standard curves
quantitative real-time RT-PCR.
Fronhoffs S,
Totzke G, Stier S, Wernert N, Rothe M, Bruning T, Koch B,
Sachinidis A, Vetter
H, Ko Y.
Mol Cell
Probes 2002 Apr;16(2): 99-110
Universitats-Poliklinik Bonn, Institut fur experimentelle
Wilhelmstr. 35-37, Bonn, 53111 Bonn, Germany
Quantification of nucleic acids, especially of mRNA, is
increasingly important in biomedical research. The recently developed quantitative
real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - a highly sensitive technology for the
rapid, accurate and reproducible quantification of gene expression - offers
major advantages over conventional quantitative PCR. Transcript quantification is
performed in the exponential phase of the PCR reaction through extrapolation
of fluorescence signals from a standard calibration curve which represents
the initial copy number for a given fluorescence signal. We have developed a
method for gene transcript quantification which is based on a
LightCyclertrade mark - assisted real-time PCR in combination
with a simple and rapid approach for the construction of external cRNA
standards with identical gene sequences as the target gene. Synthesis of cRNAs
was performed by in vitro transcription with T7 RNA polymerase followed by
reverse transcription and real-time PCR. We applied this approach for transcript
quantification of eukaryotic initiation factor 3 p110 (EIF3S8) mRNA in normal
testicular tissue. We also present a rapid and simple strategy for the
construction of cRNA standards for use in real-time PCR.
Tissue specific
expression pattern of estrogen receptors (ER):
of ERa and ERb mRNA with real-time
Pfaffl MW, Lange
IG, Daxenberger A, Meyer HH.
Tissue-specific expression pattern of estrogen receptors (ER):
quantification of ER
alpha and ER beta mRNA with real-time RT-PCR.
APMIS. 2001 109(5):
We have examined the tissue specific mRNA expression of ERa
and ERb in various bovine tissues using real-time RT-PCR. Goal of this study
was to evaluate the deviating tissue sensitivities and the influence of the
estrogenic active preparation RALGRO on the tissue specific
expression and regulation of both ER subtypes. RALGRO contains Zeranol
(a-Zearalanol), a derivative of the mycotoxin Zearalenon, shows strong estrogenic and
anabolic effects, and exhibits all symptoms of hyper-estrogenism in particular
reproductive and developmental disorders. Eight heifers were treated over 8 weeks with
multiple dose implantations (0x, 1x, 3x, 10x) of Zeranol.
Plasma Zeranol
concentration, measured by enzyme-immuno-assay, of multiple treated heifers Zeranol were
elevated. To quantify ERa and ERb transcripts also in low abundant tissues, sensitive
and reliable real-time RT-PCR quantification methods were developed and validated on
the LightCycler. Expression results indicate the existence of both ER subtypes
all 15 investigated tissues. All tissue exhibit a specific ERalpha and ERbeta expression
pattern and regulation. With increasing Zeranol concentrations a significant
down-regulation of ERa mRNA expression could be observed in jejunum
(p<0.001) and
kidney medulla (p<0.05). These data support the hypothesis, that the ERb may
have different biological functions than ERa, especially in kidney and the jejunum.
Cloning and sequencing of ERb in human (1), rat (2), and
mouse (3) has provided
the first
example of a steroid hormone receptor existing in two isoforms, each of
which is
encoded by a separate gene. The ERb protein is smaller than the
previously identified
ERa (4,5) but possesses the modular structure of
distinct functional domains (A-F) characteristic of the members of the nuclear
receptors. The DNA-binding domain of ERa and ERb is highly conserved
several species (>95% homology in Homo sapiens, Rattus norwegicus,
Mus musculus, Bos taurus) and the ligand binding domain shows ~60%
conserved residues (6-8).
ERbeta seems to be an additional important factor in the
mechanism of estrogen action and has an overlapping but non identical tissue distribution
in comparison to ERa. It is expressed in humans and rodents in the central nervous
system, the cardiovascular system, the immune system, and in the gastrointestinal tract
(9-11). Within the same organ it often appears that the ER subtypes are expressed
differentially, supporting the hypothesis that both receptors may have different
biological functions. Ligand binding experiments have shown specific binding of
estradiol-17b and transactivation of ERb with an affinity similar
to ERa (12). But the mechanism of activation by endogen steroids,
phyto-etrogens, xenosteroids and related synthetic drugs was shown to be very complex
(6,13,14). Knowledge of the distribution and regulation of ERb in various tissues of
ruminants are missing at this time. The available publications about ERb
expression in bovids are limited to the cattle reproductive organs (8,15) and to the sheep
hypothalamus (16,17). However, a more detailed study of the tissue
distribution of
both ER subtypes is essential to continue investigations of their
regulation and physiological function. It is well known that steroids lead to an increased
synthesis of specific proteins (18) and it is proposed that estradiol can
stimulate via ERa its own receptor expression at least in the uterus (19).
Goal of this study was to evaluate the deviating tissue sensitivities and the
influence of the estrogen active preparation RALGRO ® (Mallinckrodt
Veterinary, Inc., Mundelein, IL, USA) on the tissue specific expression pattern and
regulation of both ER subtypes. One RALGRO implant contains 36 mg
a-Zearalanol (Zeranol), a derivative of the mycotoxin Zearalenon, and shows strong
estrogenic and anabolic effects in farm animals. Besides this, it exhibits all
symptoms of hyper-estrogenism in particular reproductive and developmental
disorders. Herein we describe a reverse transcription followed by a
real-time polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) on the LightCycler system (Roche,
Basel, Suisse) to detect and quantify these mRNA transcripts from both
genes. For low abundancies, sensitive and reliable real-time RT-PCR
quantification methods were developed and validated. RT-PCR real-time assays with an
external calibration curve are quantitative and therefore an absolute comparison of ERa
and ERb within one tissue RNA preparation will be possible.
In view of the data provided for sensitivity, linearity and
reproducibility, the developed RT-PCR assay developed herein
allows the absolute and accurate quantification of ERa and ERb mRNA molecules with
a sufficiently high sensitivity even for tissues with low abundancies down to a
few molecules. Our expression results indicate the existence of two ER
subtypes in various bovine tissues, their different expression pattern and co-expression as
well as their tissue specific regulation under estrogen treatment. These different
expression pattern of ERa and ERb can be regarded as support for the hypothesis
the ER subtype proteins may have different biological functions,
especially in kidney and the jejunum where ERb expression ratio is inverse in comparison
to the other investigated tissues. In future more detailed study of ERa and ERb
must be investigated in all kidney cell types and all parts of the
gastrointestinal system to continue investigations of the ER regulation and its
physiological function.
Real-time RT-PCR
quantification of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1,
IGF-1 receptor, IGF-2, IGF-2 receptor,
insulin receptor, growth
hormone receptor, IGF-binding proteins 1, 2 and 3 in
the bovine species.
M.W. Pfaffl , T.
Mircheva Georgieva, I. Penchev Georgiev, E. Ontsouka, M. Hageleit &
J. W. Blum (2002)
Domest Anim
Endocrinol, 22(2): 91-102.
Reverse transcription (RT) followed by polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) is the technique of choice for analyzing mRNA in extremely
low abundance. Real-time RT-PCR using SYBR Green I detection combines the ease and
necessary exactness to be able to produce reliable as well
as rapid results. To obtain highly accurate and reliable results in a real-time RT-PCR a
highly defined calibration curve is needed. We designed and developed nine different
calibration curves, based on recombinant DNA plasmid standards and established them on a
constant real-time PCR platform for the following factors: growth hormone receptor (GHR),
insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R), IGF-2, IGF-2 receptor (IGF-2R),
receptor (INSR), and IGF-binding proteins (IGF-BP) 1, 2 and 3. Developed assays were applied
in the LightCycler system on bovine ileum and liver total RNA and showed high specifity
and sensitivity of quantification. All assays had a detection
limit of under 35
recombinant DNA molecules present in the capillary. The SYBR Green I
resulted in a reliable and accurate quantification with high test
linearity (Pearson
correlation coefficient r > 0.99) over seven orders of magnitude
from <102 to >108 recombinant DNA start molecules and an assay variation of
maximal 5.3%. Applicability of the method was shown by analyzing
mRNA levels in newborn calves: mRNA concentrations per gram tissue of mRNAs of
IGF-1, IGF-1R, IGF-2, IGF-2R, GHR, INSR, and IGFBP-1, -2 and -3 were all
different between in liver and ileum and the traits all exhibited
individual differences.
In this
study we have designed, optimised and validated nine assays of factors
involved in
the action of the somatotropic axis in real-time RT-PCR using the SYBR
Green I technology
with the LightCycler. The amplification of the PCR products
was shown
to be linear over a wide range of input copies, with high sensitivity,
precision and reproducibility. As few as 35 molecules could be detected
with the established quantification models. Amplification of genomic DNA was
by primer pairs located on different exons, therefore a DNAse treatment of tissue
total RNA samples was unnecessary. A great simplification for the
determination at the mRNA level of the nine parameters involved in the somatotropic axis was
achieved by use of only one cDNA for the determination of all
parameters. This
was done by a reverse transcription of total RNA extracted from the
tissues using random hexamer primers. High reproducibility and low
test variability of £ 5.3% could be derived. To characterize the RT-PCR variation at its best,
average variation coefficient was calculated over the whole range of the calibration curve.
This reflects the realistic PCR variation over the complete
quantification range [17]. An externally recDNA calibration
curve mimics the real-time PCR better than other standard
materials, like recombinant RNA or purified PCR products, and possesses
almost similar amplification efficiency as the native sample mRNA [4].
Double-stranded recDNA, derived from a linearized plasmid, is a stable and reliable
standard material for calibration curves and will be not degraded over a
long storage period [4]. Therefore the test variability is minimized, the repeatability of is
maximized, and the derived expression results are fully comparable over all applied quantification
Table: PCR efficiency calculated according to the
equation: E = 10 [–1/slope] [18]. The detection limit,
quantification range and test linearity (r = Pearson correlation
coefficient) are
given in molecules per capillary. Assay variation was determined in
three repeats
(n = 3) over the complete quantification range. Determination of variation is
based on crossing point variation and was done in 25 ng reverse
transcribed total RNA.
Figure 1: High
resolution 4% Agarose gel electrophoresis of all real-time RT-PCR products derived from bovine
liver total RNA. Lane 1+13: length standard (2 kbp, 1.2 kbp, 800 bp,
400 bp, 200 bp, 100bp); Lane 3-11:
IGF-1 @ 240 bp; IGF-1R @ 314 bp; IGF-2 @ 205 bp; IGF-2R @ 144 bp; IGF-BP1 @ 123bp; IGF-BP2 @ 136
bp; IGF-BP3 @ 194 bp; GHR @ 138 bp; INSR @ 163 bp.
could be quantified with the new established assays with high exactness
and reproducibility.
The quantified mRNA concentrations and expression levels are different between liver and ileum. It
turned out, that IGF-2R is very low abundant in both tissues, whereas expressions of GHR,
IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-2 are very low in ileum, but are medium or even highly expressed in liver.
Extremely high mRNA concentrations could be measured for IGF-2 and IGFBP-1 in liver.
Except for IGF and IGF-1R all factors showed significant different expression levels in ileum
versus liver – either on 25 ng cDNA basis (raw and normalized data) or on mg tissue basis. For IGF
and IGF-1R only significant expression levels could be determined on mg tissue basis
(P<0.05) and fg/pg mRNA/mg tissue (P<0.05). Ligand concentration in comparison to
their corresponding receptor in the IGF-1 and IGF-2 systems showed extreme differences
between the tissues. Ligand mRNAs were always higher expressed than receptors and showed
ratios of
ligand to receptor (IGF-1/IGF-1R) in liver (ratio = ~12) higher than in ileum (ratio = ~2.5).
The IGF-2/IGF-2R ratio was more evident in both tissues and
extremer in ileum
(ratio = ~900) than in liver (ratio = ~125). Studies on the
physiological relevance of these data with more tissues and under different
physiological conditions are in progress.
The developed assays containing recDNA calibration curve,
specific primers and cycling conditions can be applied as well on other
real-time quantification systems: TaqMan
® (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA), RotoGene
® (Corbett Research, Sydney, NSW, Australia), iCycler ® Thermal Cycler
Hercules, CA, USA) and Multiplex Quantitative PCR System ® (Stratagene,
Jolla, CA, USA). But the assay performances described herein are optimised
to the demands of the LightCycler platform. For the above mentioned
real-time PCR machines assay performances like sensitivity, linearity, reproducibility and
PCR efficiency must be separately validated for each used platform. Performance
variation can occur on the basis of different cycling techniques,
vs. conventional
block-cycle technology, other fluorescence excitation techniques, laser
vs. light
diode excitation, and the applied fluorescence detection system, CCD
camera (charge
coupled device image sensor) vs. photo-hybrid detection.
conclusion, the sensitivity, linearity and reproducibility of the
developed real-time PCR assays allows absolute and accurate quantification, down
to a few molecules. In future we will use the established
quantification systems to compare the expression rates in tissues of Bos taurus and other
species like Homo sapiens, Ovis aries, Sus scrofa, Rattus norvegicus, and
Callithrix jacchus to investigate physiological changes in gene
Effects of synthetic
progestagens on the mRNA Expression of
Receptor, Progesterone Receptor, Estrogen
Receptor ERa and ERb, Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-1
and IGF-1 receptor in Heifer tissues
M.W. Pfaffl, A.
Daxenberger, M. Hageleit & H.H.D. Meyer (2002)
J Vet Med
A 49: 57-64
Synthetic progestagen like melengestrol acetate (MGA) are
widely used for estrus synchronisation and
for growth promotion in cattle production. The metabolic effects exceed
its primary potency as a progestagen. It is speculated that MGA stimulates
follicle development and thereby endogenous estrogen production,
but inhibits ovulation. To investigate the dose dependent effects on the mRNA expression
levels, six heifers were fed during 8 weeks with different levels of MGA (0.5 mg, 1.5 mg, 5 mg)
and two heifers served as control. The expression of steroid receptor mRNA [androgen
(AR), progesterone receptor (PR), estrogen receptor (ER) ERa and ERb], insulin-like
growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and its receptor were quantified in liver, neck (m. splenius) and shoulder
muscularity (m. deltoideus). Plasma concentrations of IGF-1 were quantified by
radioimmunoassay. In treated animals the MGA plasma levels were elevated over the complete
treatment period, corresponding to the MGA treatment concentrations. IGF-1 concentrations of control
animals were at constant levels. Plasma levels for estradiol (E2) and IGF-1 were increased in low
MGA treatment group. Overdosed MGA decreased progesterone (P4) and E2 levels. To quantify
the IGF-1 and all receptor mRNA transcripts, sensitive and reliable real-time RT-PCR quantification
methods were developed and validated in the LightCycler. A dose dependent relationship between
increasing MGA concentrations and mRNA expression were observed in liver for AR and IGF-1
receptor, and in neck muscularity for IGF-1. ERa in liver and neck
muscle showed
a trend of increasing expression.
results indicate the existence of AR, ERa, ERb, IGF-1 and IGF-1
receptor in various bovine tissues, their different expression pattern and
regulation under progestagen treatment. In view of the data provided
for sensitivity,
linearity and reproducibility, the developed RT-PCR assay developed herein allows
the absolute and accurate quantification of mRNA molecules with a sufficiently high
sensitivity. Presented results as well as results derived from
Daxenberger et al. (1999) and Hageleit et al. (2000) can be concluded as summarized in
table 6. MGA could stimulate the follicle and thereby inhibit ovulation.
An effect on the plasma hormone profiles and anabolism was evident. Plasma concentration showed
elevated MGA levels in treated animals, and therefore significant decreased levels of P4 and E2.
IGF-1 concentrations seemed only elevated in the low treatment group. Still we found positive
correlations between MGA concentrations and mRNA expression in liver for AR and IGF-1
as well as in neck muscularity for IGF-1. ERa showed a trend of increasing expression. For PR
quantitative RT-PCR product could be generated in the investigated tissues. Thus
mechanisms different from the direct steroid-receptor mechanism are likely to regulate IGF-1
ERb expression.
Table: Synopsis of
the knowledge about the anabolic mechanism of MGA action